3 facts about after-school clubs in 2020

Children, as well as adults, have been suffering during the lockdown with all the social distancing. Outdoors exercising and virtual classes have been the only safe way to stay active and remain focused these days.

Most after-school clubs (ASC) in the UK are getting COVID-19 regulations-ready so they can open their doors from September and continue to assist in the development of your children's skills. However, some families with vulnerable individuals will avoid group activities, so many ASCs will keep offering virtual sessions.

1. Follow strict COVID-19 protocol

Evidence appears to suggest that children are not as susceptible as adults to COVID-19; nonetheless, the new 'normal' requires following strict rules about the space to numbers ratio, cleaning protocols and the wearing of masks or shields. I have witnessed how our sector has been concerned and has carefully prepared every single detail for their reopening.

You can be sure that your kids will be well-protected in their clubs not only because the COVID-19 protocol is compulsory, but also because the children's activity providers care about your kids as much as you do.

2. Necessary for the development of your child

School programmes help to develop children's abilities and skills. Some of these skills need to be targeted with more specific activities which are covered in the after-school sessions. Furthermore, extra-curricular activities also assist with the forming of your child's personality and the development of their social skills.

The ASCs are led by professionals in their area who have designed their programmes to develop children's fine and gross motor skills, as well as assist with cognitive development. There is no doubt that now more than ever, children need activities that will nurture positive growth and the ASCs are ideal for moving towards that direction.

3. Likely to keep virtual sessions

During lockdown children's activity providers worked hard to adapt their activities for delivery as virtual sessions to keep your kids entertained while they were learning.

Online sessions also delivered other benefits, such as removing the need to commute, as well as time and money-saving.

Hence, many clubs have planned to keep a hybrid model with both face-to-face and virtual sessions. The idea is supporting those parents who have limited time to take their kids to their clubs and also, to keep serving the vulnerable population who prefers having limited social contact.

Support is especially relevant these days

Even with the government's help, the industry of the children's activities has been facing challenging times for their incomes. Closed venues and low attendance to the online sessions are some of the problems. However, what is most relevant for us is to recover personal contact with your kids since we really miss them.

So please, be supportive and enrol your children to their favourite activity, either in person or online.
